Foods that Contains Vitamins for Dogs

Foods that Contains Vitamins for Dogs

Published on: 2023-02-20

A healthy dog is something that all owners want, having the peace of mind of knowing that your four legs friend is healthy is one of the most important thing for dogs owners. This is also good for your wallet because health care for dogs is expensive so you better use a preventive method than a reactive one. Vitamins is something that you can use to prevent dogs illness but exist other more natural methods to gave your dog those supplements without the use of pills. Most dogs receive a complete balanced diet including the vitamins and minerals that they need form their processed dog food, these dogs don’t really need any kind of supplements in their diet if they don’t have any kind of decease or illness so avoid giving them more vitamins because that could be harmful according to the veterinarians, too much calcium can cause skeletal problem, same thing with too much vitamin A that could cause join pain and dehydration and is the same with all the other vitamins, any excesses on any of the vitamins could cause a different health problem in your dog. In other hand dogs fed on a homemade diet may need some supplements so you should talk with your vet and explain your pet diet before using any of this supplements. Some of the regular food that you can use to help your dog to get those supplements more naturally are the following:


Contains probiotics, nutrients and proteins, calcium, potassium, vitamin B12 and more. Depending on the size of your dog you may only need to give him one spoon or two mixed with the meal and they will love it, but you need to select the right yogurt, for example, always use non-fat plain yogurt, never use flavored yogurt because those could be harmful for your dog. In other hand you need to be aware of the dairy tolerance of your dog because some dog breeds don’t tolerate dairy so well, so keep an eye on any change that could happen after you introduce this food.


Chicken is a healthy food and a great protein source, is also one of the most common ingredients used on dog food. To introduce it to your dog diet you just need to cook it without any seasoning, onion and garlic. Always remember that some dogs could be allergic to this food and could get some stomach upset.


Fish are an excellent source of protein and omega-3 that is so good for the skin. You can give small amount of Tuna to your dog but always having in mind that this fish contain high levels of mercury so maybe you should use other types of fish like salmon and flounder that have a good amount of calcium and don’t contain mercury.


Vegetables are low in fat and also contain high amount of calcium some like broccoli and spinach contains the highest amount but you can also use Kale, Corn, Carrots, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato that is used on most of the processed dog food and so more. You can use this as a snack or just add a cup of some of this vegetables to his meal. In general there are a lot of common foods that you can feed your dog including apples, blueberries, cranberries, turkey, lamb, pork, beef, eggs if they are cooked, never feed raw eggs to your dog, bones that are adequate to chew but never use bird or pointy sharp bones because those can hurt your dog mouth or cause internal organs damage so careful with this one. Always remember to introduce these aliments one by one so if your dog have an intolerance to any of those you can see which one is and avoid to use that one again.